</> - extensions.htmx.org

This site is a searchable collection of extensions for htmx.org. Core extensions are actively maintained by the htmx team.

Contributing If you'd like to add your extension to this website, add a row to the table below in a PR agains the /www/index.html file.


Name Description
sse Provides support for Server Sent Events directly from HTML.
ws Provides bi-directional communication with Web Sockets servers directly from HTML
head‑support Provides support for merging head tag information (styles, etc.) in htmx requests
idiomorph Provides a morph swap strategy based on the idiomorph morphing library, which was created by the htmx team.


Name Description
ajax‑header Adds an X-Requested-With header to all requests made by htmx
morphdom-swap Provides a morph swap strategy based on the morphdom morphing library.